Empty Stocking Fund - Reach Out Alumni Assistance Network- ROAAN



Help UWP alumni in need. Join our Facebook group!


The 2024 Reach Out


Thank you Reach Out Friends!
You did it! You did it!
You helped us meet our goal!

Thanks for making this our best fundraiser yet!
You were able to raise
$16,194 to help our UWP alumni families in need!

On behalf of the entire Reach Out Board,
and the alumni families we help,
we wish you a Happy 2025!

**Wanted to donate, but got caught up in the holidays?
Click here to give to help UWP alumni in need or select an amount below.

Select your gift amount:


Another amount:

Join other alumni by setting up
a monthly donation
to Reach Out.
Click here for more information.

If you would like to send a check,
please send it to:
Reach Out/ROAAN
87 W. Delta Grn
Port Hueneme, CA   93041

**Note all amounts given 1/1/25 and after will be counted as a 2025 tax-deductiblel donation. 




Calling Non-U.S. Alumni!

Were you part of a cast between 2000 and 2024?
We're looking for passionate non-U.S.-based alumni to join our Reach Out Board and help shape the future of our global alumni community. If you're interested or know someone who would be a perfect fit,
please reach out to us at info@roaan.org.
Let’s connect and make an impact together!



If you know any alumni who needs assistance, please have them download and fill out an application for assistance here.
**All applications kept in strict confidence.**




Join our Care Network and help make a difference in an alumni's life by helping out on an as needed, one-on-one basis.

Real Stories, Real Impact:
Meet the Alumni Reach Out Has Helped

Hear the stories behind these resilient alumni whose lives were transformed by Reach Out's support:

“When my husband and I were facing financial difficulties because of his health and the loss of my job, a fellow alum reached out to us to suggest that we contact Reach Out, so I did. They came through at just the right time and helped us get through the crisis. We are tremendously grateful a program like this was available to us.”
-anonymous alum
“I cannot express enough to the Reach Out Board the gratitude I have for helping me out during what has been the most difficult time in my life with devastating circumstances. I am grateful for your timely assistance, which allowed me to get back on my feet again! Again, I thank you!”
-anonymous alum
“A huge thank you to the Reach Out Board. It turns out having to ask for help for yourself, is a really hard thing to do. It was just refreshing to have someone new in my life who wouldn’t judge me. For the first time in probably 10 years, honestly, I was able to breathe, sleep OK at night, and not wake up with extreme anxiety. My husband also wants to extend his thanks because he has seen the change in me that I am no longer as stressed and can focus on our family and my healing. Thank you, thank you, thank you again for believing in me and supporting me.”
-anonymous alum
“Your help got me through the worst part of the winter. Now my house is a little warmer and I have food on the table so I can focus on my health and get myself from my terrible situation to a better one in the future. I am not capable of finding enough words to express my gratitude. You not only gave me assistance, you gave me hope. You showed, "We believe in you," and that means a lot to me.”
-anonymous alum
“I can't thank you enough for all the support you have shown me. For the first time, in what feels like forever, I am knocking on doors, instead of them being slammed in my face. "Thank you" just doesn't seem to be enough, but know that Reach Out has opened up avenues I never knew were available. You reminded me that there are people out there who want to help. For this I am grateful!”
-anonymous alum

These testimonials are just glimpses of the impact Reach Out's support offers. Join with fellow alumni, to help spread the word about Reach Out to your cast mates and cast groups. Together, let's ensure no alumni faces adversity alone.


Thank you in advance for supporting
our alumni and Reach Out!


Help UWP alumni in need. Join our Facebook group!

All donations are tax deductible and go to alumni in need.
Reach Out Alumni Assistance Network (Reach Out/ROAAN)



Copyright 2025. Reach Out Alumni Assistance Network. All rights reserved.